FERCHAU - An Emotional Moment Those who think that emotion and technology do not go well together will be disabused of their notion by the technicians and developers at the engineering company Ferchau: In super slow motion we captured their most emotional moments at work in moving images, backing the shots with their individual stories. The resulting clips not only document but speak of the individual behind the occupation.
The task consisted of creating a clip series on the basis of merely an image and an idea. The assignment included casting the models and speakers, as well as the entire production and post production.

The challenge hereby was to implement the idea in close
cooperation with the client in a test clip that served to break down the required tracking shots into frames from which the time slot could be calculated. A tracking shot of eight seconds equaled 1.15 minutes of film material in the final clip. As we were shooting a series of clips, the dramaturgy had to be realized meticulously and to the second.
BASF Medicine - 5
BASF Medicine - 6
BASF Medicine - 4
BASF Medicine - 5
BASF Medicine - 6